Tantric Bodywork: Boundaries

See also: Tantric Bodywork: Description

Tantric Bodywork Definition

  1. Tantric bodywork, for the purposes document, includes the following commonly named experiences:
    1. Tantric healing
    2. Sacred spot massage
    3. Yoni massage
    4. Lingam massage
    5. Prostate massage
    6. Tantric sexual healing
    7. Tantric massage
    8. Tantric energy healing
  2. Other definitions of tantric massage exist: practitioners should be clear on what the precise nature of the modality offered is, and students should verify that the modality the practitioner offers is what is expected and desired.

Tantric Bodywork Boundaries

  1. Touch with an intention of giving pleasure is offered only by the practitioner to the student; never from student to practitioner.
  2. The practitioner will keep genitals covered at all times.
  3. The following contact is explicitly out-of-bounds for a tantric massage:
    1. Mouth to mouth kissing
    2. Oral-genital contact
    3. Genital-genital contact
    4. Oral-anal contact
    5. Genital-anal contact
  4. No other form of fluid exchange is permissible.
  5. If the practitioner has any broken skin at the hands used for intimate contact, gloves must be worn.