Tantric Bodywork

Tantric bodywork involves one-directional touch for purposes of awakening the body to greatest possible pleasure, discovering new experiences, resolving sexual dysfunction, releasing sexual trauma, and liberating the body to the freedom of it's own unencumbered experience.

Tantric bodywork sessions can be found under various names, such as tantric massage, sacred spot massage, tantric sexual healing, yoni massage (for women), or lingam massage (for men). In many parts of the world the word "massage" is reserved for licensed practitioners offering physical therapy or therapeutic massage only. In general, tantric bodywork does not fit this definition.

Most frequently, tantric bodywork includes the use of sensuality, sensual pleasure, and sexual energy -- but this is not necessary! Tantric bodywork is in its essence a combination of presence, energy, breath, touch, and guidance. While tantra is often associated with pleasure and sexuality, this may be because there is a lack of other modalities that engage with the body and energy system at this level. Nonetheless, tantric bodywork can address many aspects of the intersection between consciousness, emotional balance, energy body, and physical body.

See also: Boundaries for Tantric Bodywork.